+49 5181 2869039

Find the perfect reseller package for your business

The right package for every application

Our flexible packages offer you everything you need: from simple domain management and advanced security functions to individual solutions for resellers. Choose from our Basic, Premium and Professional packages and get customized functions for your success.


Your #1 in domain management

Our smart packages provide you with exactly the tools you need. Whether you register domains as an investment, trade them on behalf of your customers or use them for your company, brands and projects – we have the right solution, individually tailored to your purpose.


Sole proprietorship, Domainer
  • Access to over 700 endings
  • Sales agent for domains
  • FlexDNS (dynamic DNS)
  • Resource templates
  • Mass customization for domains, zones and handles
  • Individual domain prices
  • and much more.


Agencies, companies
  • All features from Basic
  • Define roles for users (accounting, etc.)
  • Extensive rights management for users
  • Virtual Nameservers
  • Customizable design incl. logo, colors and fonts


Providers, registrars
  • All features from Premium
  • Sub-customer management incl. assignment of rights
  • Own price management for sub-customers
  • Own interface URL
  • System emails from your own sender domain
  • Fast and comprehensive REST API
  • Web interface for API commands

Your features at a glance

Would you like to compare the services included in our various packages to find the right package for you quickly and easily? You can find all the services from our Basic, Premium and Professional packages here! (Attention – not for those who don’t like scrolling. Because our scope of services has it all)





Access to over 700 endings

Pre-order new TLDs with binding effect

Integration of new TLDs on request

Automatic SSL connection for each domain

Separate protection for domain operations through 2FA

Domain features

Web business cards

Sales agent for domains

E-mail forwarding

FlexDNS (dynamic DNS)

Resource templates

Central management of all domain contacts

Mass customization for domains, zones and handles


Individual prices

Monthly billing of .de domains

Prices in original currency

Automatic participation in registration and marketing campaigns

Transfer of remaining term for transfers


Transfer service for domains

Emergency hotline

Personal service via telephone, chat and e-mail

Extensive domain wiki

Personal contact person

User and customer administration

Define users for roles (accounting, technology, contact person, etc.)

Extensive rights management for users

Sub-customer management incl. assignment of rights

Own price management for sub-customers

Private Label

Virtual Nameservers

Customizable design incl. logo, colors and fonts

Own interface URL

System emails from your own sender domain

Own communication center (channel for interested parties to domain holders)


Fast and comprehensive REST API

Web interface for API commands

Detailed documentation with examples


29,00 €

49,00 €

99,00 €


9,00 €

19,00 €

39,00 €

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