+49 5181 2869039

Together for our environment

Ecological & environmentally conscious

Environmental and climate protection affects us all!

Greenmark IT GmbH focuses on sustainability. We promote environmentally friendly web hosting and live an ecological way of working.

Find out how we contribute to climate protection with innovative approaches and technologies – and how you can benefit too.

Solar system

Since 2013, we have been supplying most of our offices in Alfeld with our own solar power (10kWp) directly from the roof. You can find more information about our PV system here!

Green electricity

On cloudy days, we buy our electricity from naturstrom AG. For every kWh of electricity consumed, an additional 1.25 cents goes towards the construction of renewable energy plants.

Certified: This is how much greenhouse gas we save!

Hot water

We heat hot water for hand washing using green electricity directly at the point of use. This prevents unnecessary heat storage and heat loss in the pipes.


All radiators are equipped with electronic thermostats and managed centrally. This means that no heating runs overnight or during ventilation.

Protect resources

Reduce CO²

Even if it is not possible to completely avoid all CO₂ emissions, there are effective ways of offsetting the remaining footprint. In many cases, subsequent offsetting proves to be the most sensible solution to minimize the environmental impact.

The following statistics impressively illustrate the positive effects of our measures to date and show how effective our commitment to climate protection is.

It is important to us that our financial influence is used positively. This is why we consciously keep our bank accounts with regional banks such as Volksbank and, in particular, GLS Gemeinschaftsbank, which stands for sustainable banking and ethical investments.

At Greenmark IT GmbH, we have made it our mission to actively give something back to nature so that it can recover step by step. With every booking of one of our webspace packages, we plant a tree in cooperation with the Eden Reforestation Projects. This creates new forests that protect our climate and sustainably strengthen the environment.

Your tree makes a difference:
🌿 Compensation of around one ton of CO₂ – removed from the atmosphere in the long term
🌿 Production of oxygen for around 10 people – every day
🌿 Supporting flood protection and clean groundwater through water storage
🌿 Creating new habitats for birds, insects and other animals
🌿 Promotion of native tree species and biodiversity
🌿 Contributing to the reduction of ocean acidification
🌿 Filtering dust and particles from the air



530.012 m³


67.17 MW


3,3 t



Data centers

Our website and services run on over 30 real and virtual server systems that are in use around the clock. This requires a reliable energy supply – we consistently use green electricity to ensure that our operations are environmentally friendly.

Our server locations and green energy sources:

  • The majority of our servers are located in the E-Shelter data center in Hamburg, where they are powered by 100% green electricity from Mainova AG.
  • Further servers are located in the Hetzner data center parks in Nuremberg and Falkenstein. Here we rely on green electricity from NaturEnergie AG.

In this way, we not only ensure smooth performance, but also make a contribution to climate protection.


We are

recycled paper friendly

We have been using digital solutions to save paper for over a decade. We prefer to send invoices digitally, and we are currently converting our entire document management – including contracts and accounting – completely to digital processes.

Paper only when it’s really necessary:
Sometimes you can’t do without letters altogether, for example for original signatures or when customers want invoices by post. In these cases, we only use recycled paper from Steinbeis, which is certified with the “Blue Angel” eco-label.

Why recycled paper?
The difference to classic white printer paper lies in the resource-saving production process:

🌿 Up to 70 % less water consumption

🌿 60 % energy saving

🌿 Fewer CO₂ emissions

Why the Blue Angel?
This label goes beyond the requirements of the FSC: in addition to the origin of the paper, the focus is on the entire production process. It is the strictest and most environmentally friendly label in Germany, as the paper is made from 100% recycled paper.

Our efforts have even been recognized by the Federal Environment Agency – further proof of our commitment to sustainability.

Our corporate forests

We have created our first company forest in Heinersgrün in the Vogtland district of Saxony: Around 1000 trees are already growing on an area of 1850 m², doing more than just beautifying the landscape.

What our forest does:

🌿 Flood protection: The trees store water and actively help to prevent flooding in the region.

🌿 CO₂ binding: The planted trees remove CO₂ from the atmosphere and make an important contribution to climate protection.

🌿 Creating a habitat: The forest promotes the spread of native tree species and provides a home for birds, insects and other animals.

Our corporate forest is an example of how we combine regional sustainability with global climate protection.

Thanks to your support, we are planting 1000 trees in a meadow near the village of Raun, right on the Czech border. In cooperation with PRIMAKLIMA e.V., we are ensuring an optimal selection of tree species to create a healthy and resilient forest.

Sustainable impact:

🌿 The new trees will bind around 150,000 kg of CO₂ in the long term.

🌿 This creates a valuable habitat for birds, insects and other animals.

This project is a great example of what we can achieve together. Without your help, this initiative would not have been possible – thank you for your support!



For our future:

Planting trees

Every time you order one of our web space packages from basicWeb upwards, we plant a tree for you – and with every renewal, we plant another one! Together with our partner organization Eden Reforestation Projects, we are helping to create new forests worldwide. Eden has already planted over 580 million trees in 200 projects, and your tree will also make a big difference:

🌿 CO₂ storage: A tree binds around 1 ton of CO₂ during its growth.

🌿 Oxygen production: Your tree produces oxygen for 10 people every day.

🌿 Flood protection: Trees store water and ensure clean groundwater.

🌿 Habitat for animals: Your tree creates space for birds, insects and many other species.

🌿 Air purification: In the long term, your tree filters fine dust and improves air quality.

Your web hosting package thus becomes a contribution to a sustainable future. Every tree counts!

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